Choose your Stargate for change management!
ALFASSA it is an international level circuit that self-determines itself from the bottom through a DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM fully interoperable (SHARE) and decentralized (MULTIPLY) based on a new model of production, consumption and coexistence that is completely eco-sustainable. Choose your Enabling Operator and together, face the challenges of change with enthusiasm!
Communities that self-determine from below to return to being virtuous and eco-sustainable economies
Access ALFASSA.ORG, the first technological platform capable of transforming social networks into a new community of environmental sustainability and social well-being
ALFASSA is a synergistic and integrated set of participated intangible assets capable of generating utility deferred over time through a Completely interoperable (SHARE) and decentralized (MULTIPLY) Development System based on a new model of completely eco-sustainable production, consumption and coexistence.
A new humanistic and renaissance project to form a new ethical and moral conscience.
A new socioeconomic model capable of linking economic development to environmental sustainability and social well-being –>
A payment and settlement system that considers money as a tool of cohesion and not a means of coercion –>
A synergic and integrated system of shared intangible assets capable of generating a utility deferred over time –>
Interoperable (SHARE) and decentralized (MULTIPLY) development system
RMS Relationship Management System
KMS Knowledge Management System
ESD Enterprise System Development
OSC Open Smart Channel
CTP Cooperative Technology Platform
SCP Sustainable Community Platform
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The STARGATE to access the new world of creativity, opportunities and great strategies
Description of the different types of licensing policies for the use of ALFASSA Share Capital
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