
Organizational and management model

Enterprise System Development

Enterprise System Development (ESD) is a new organizational and management model capable of transforming value chains into ecosystems of integrated services with high added value, a model that considers human resources no longer as simple cells that will become an integral part of your production and/or distribution processes but as a gateway to access innovation and knowledge networks.


Managing change and this great process of digital transformation

Open Chain is a management system capable of guiding administrative functions in the decision-making process in order to fully seize the opportunities offered by change and this great process of digital transformation. We are talking about an extremely effective tool capable of offering a series of innovative tools from an organizational point of view, to optimize business processes by adapting them to market evolutions, develop and implement effective business strategies and operate without having predefined limits and boundaries. 

Access to the integrated services of the  management system It is reserved for professionals authorized to use this tool, called Interdisciplinary Manager

Interdisciplinary Manager

The doors to access networks of relationships and knowledge

To manage change processes, it is necessary to follow a specific ongoing training path and/or rely on highly qualified and specialized professionals. who can be hired through Services Agreement and/or Temporary Manager contracts. We are talking about professionals with interdisciplinary skills able to deal with complexities coming from multiple sectors and disciplines. TheInterdisciplinary Manager is a new professional figure that combines the scientific skills to the humanistic skills so as to form the knowledge, skills and abilities to transform change into a great opportunity for growth and development.

Integrated services

Services available through professionals trained and authorized to use the system 

Statutes for companies or entities

Possibility to replicate and adapt to your needs a model of the statute of your productive or social organization (ETS) that clearly defines the mission, vision and strategic objectives

Parasocial Agreements

Parasocial agreements that regulate the rules and responsibilities of each partner within their organization, such as participation, distribution of profits, entry and exit methods and other matters relevant to corporate governance

Management Control

Management control capable of facilitating the process of accounting and liquidation of Members for the services performed, through the measurement of specific indicators that verify the deviation between planned objectives and results achieved.

Communication Management

Promote a corporate culture based on transparency and ensuring that financial information, strategic decisions and company performance are communicated openly to all members and that there is accountability for the actions taken

Protection Services

Legal advice to initiate extrajudicial procedures, insurance to cover any damages, debt collection, audits to evaluate the compliance and effectiveness of processes and training to raise staff awareness of regulations and procedures.

Administrative management

Tools to support administrative activities to obtain certifications, attestations, pass due diligence processes, meeting minutes, tax consultancy to optimize business operations, ensuring efficiency and regulatory compliance

Share Capital

Possibility of to capitalize their own business, with particular reference to foundations or associations that have the obligation to hold a minimum amount of assets, through the granting of the right to enjoy the use of the Intellectual Capital.

Legal recognition

For Foundations or Associations, such as Third Sector Entities, which have been capitalized with the Intellectual Capital of ALFASSA, there is the opportunity to be registered with the RUNTS with their own legal entity.

Innovative Start-ups

Possibility of obtaining the requirements of an innovative startup with the provision of innovative software, or technologically advanced platforms, which occurs through the registration of intellectual property rights.

Interdisciplinary Manager

List of qualified professionals

List of professionals that can be hired to manage your company or organization with contracts that include certain economic growth indicators, we are talking about contracts such as Services Agreement, Temporary Manager or in Participatory Association or again, as an Operating Partner or Founding Partner.

Are you a business manager and want to acquire these interdisciplinary skills? Sign up for advanced training courses.

Enabling Operators


List of Enabling Operators who have adopted the Open Chain management system within their organization and who are therefore, consequently, managed by professionals with the qualification of INTERDISCIPLINARY MANAGER.


ENERETA is a company based in Italy specialized in activities ...

Fantastic TUSCIA

“Fantastica TUSCIA” is an ETS Participation Foundation to be established, which was born ...

Seyed Soroush Tabatabaei

Seyed Soroush Tabatabaei is a professional who has been working for several years ...

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