
Value Provider

ESD Enterprise System Development

Transform your business into a company without employees, able to outsource every single work function, whether administrative, managerial or professional, through highly qualified and specialized professionals who can be hired with Services Agreement and/or Temporary Manager contracts.



Fill out the questionnaire and send the request to the ALFASSA Development System. The commercial back office will verify the presence of the necessary requirements to access the service and will respond with the possible acceptance.



The Backoffice will send a list of professionals able to satisfy the client's requests with references, together with a list of possible integrated services that they are able to offer.



The client will be able to select and possibly hire the professional with Services Agreement and/or Temporary Manager contracts or with a more synergic relationship that includes the establishment of a new company.



The client will be able to access, through these professionals, the Share Capital of ALFASSA by activating many other value-added services, which presuppose the opportunity to become an Enabling Operator themselves.

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